O tom, jak se podomácku vyrábí ovládací panely pro hvězdnou loď, klingonská dýka nebo kamerový vozík si můžete přečíst v rozhovoru s Honzou (Borethem) Polišenským, naším zákulisním inženýrem.
Extraterrestrial Feast
What are the ingrediences for succesfull extra-terrestrial feast full of appetizers from all around the galaxy? Find out in a new interview with Eva (Barvička) Železná. Small recomendation, best is to have a snack before, otherwise you will be definitelly hungry after seeing all the delicacies.
New Poster
New poster for Star Trek: Secret Games was added to the Gallery of Promo Photos.
Shuttle Snek 2 (Snail 2) is ready for take-off
Even though we are not currently shooting new scenes, work on the fan film continues: the director is selecting the best takes, editor is editing, and our 3D "department" is creating new and updating existing models. Let us introduce you to our literally re-born "Šnek" /which, as your universal translator must know, stands for "Snail"/. It is same, but upgraded model of a shuttle as seen on Star Trek: The Metren Incident...
About make-up at a gala reception.
Getting a make-up equippment ready before actors´ arrival. An interview with lagga has been added in a section about filming. She and Irča took over making-up the actors for a “mob“ scene of a gala reception. You can read the interview about make-up for aliens, about gluing pointed ears and applying ridged brows.